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purpose career transition

Ditch the desk job, find your purpose: a casual transition career guide to purpose-driven work

Ever feel like your job sucks the life out of you? Like you’re just another cog in a giant, profit-obsessed machine? Well, you’re not alone. Many people are yearning for a new role but find aligning values  and work daunting. Still, if you want to make a real difference in the world, a career transition can lead you to purpose-driven… Read More »Ditch the desk job, find your purpose: a casual transition career guide to purpose-driven work

environmental policy changes

Navigating environmental policies and changes: top 10 resources

In a world where environmental concerns are at the forefront of global discussions, staying informed about environmental policy changes and initiatives is paramount. Environmental policies shape the way nations address issues like climate change, pollution, and conservation efforts. Whether you’re an environmental enthusiast, a policymaker, or a concerned citizen, keeping abreast of these changes is essential. Fortunately, a multitude of… Read More »Navigating environmental policies and changes: top 10 resources

impact report examples

Impact report examples – measuring impact in real world

In an era where the global community increasingly demands transparency, accountability, and a commitment to positive change, the significance of impact reporting and measurement, exemplified by impactful report examples, is paramount. Beyond mere data collection, impactful reporting serves as a powerful tool for organizations to assess, communicate, and enhance their contributions to societal and environmental well-being. Impact measurement is a… Read More »Impact report examples – measuring impact in real world

purpose job pay

Fair compensation: navigating the purpose-driven jobs pay maze

So, you’ve ditched the soul-crushing corporate gig and set your sights on a career that truly lights your fire. One that lets you make a difference, contribute to something bigger than yourself, and maybe even wear pajamas to work. But wait, there’s a catch: the whole “passion pays the bills” thing might not be entirely accurate. Fear not, fellow purpose-driven… Read More »Fair compensation: navigating the purpose-driven jobs pay maze