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Sustainable living

Sustainable living tips, inspiration, and advice on eco-friendly, zero-waste, low impact, and plastic-free lifestyle

sustainable living laptop

Sustainable solutions: fixes and hacks to extend your laptop’s life

Love your laptop? We all do! Interestingly, MacBooks are renowned for their sleek design and top-notch features. Likewise, many other laptops are workhorses that keep us connected, creative, and productive. The downside of our reliance on these amazing devices contributes to a growing mountain of electronic waste, or e-waste. According to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the volume… Read More »Sustainable solutions: fixes and hacks to extend your laptop’s life

ads for environmental causes

The role of digital ads in driving awareness and action for environmental causes

Climate change has directly contributed to humanitarian emergencies, including floods, heatwaves, tropical storms, and wildfires. Recent data reveals that the earth’s temperature is up by an average of 0.11 degrees Fahrenheit every decade. This is just one of the many factors influencing our environment and sustainability. Human activities, including deforestation, pollution, and overconsumption have also had adverse effects on the… Read More »The role of digital ads in driving awareness and action for environmental causes

environmental policy changes

Navigating environmental policies and changes: top 10 resources

In a world where environmental concerns are at the forefront of global discussions, staying informed about environmental policy changes and initiatives is paramount. Environmental policies shape the way nations address issues like climate change, pollution, and conservation efforts. Whether you’re an environmental enthusiast, a policymaker, or a concerned citizen, keeping abreast of these changes is essential. Fortunately, a multitude of… Read More »Navigating environmental policies and changes: top 10 resources

sustainable community

Building a sustainable community: practices that work

In a world where the importance of sustainability is growing more evident each day, the concept of building sustainable communities has gained significant momentum. Sustainable communities, which prioritize sustainability, are not only contributing to a healthier planet but also reaping the rewards of a more resilient, thriving, and equitable way of life. In this blog article, we’ll explore the key… Read More »Building a sustainable community: practices that work