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Exerts green career

Experts voice: top skills to be successful at your green job (v. 1)

How many people could change or start a new career by entering the green job sector? The recent pandemic left many without stable job prospects, but the rapidly growing green jobs market can create opportunities for millions of new employees (source United Nations). According to a Brookings report cited by Bloomberg, green jobs’ salaries are above the US average.  … Read More »Experts voice: top skills to be successful at your green job (v. 1)

financing lar for company

Financing solar for your company just became easy

As the world becomes increasingly aware of the importance of renewable energy sources, many companies are looking to switch to solar power to reduce their carbon footprint and save money on energy costs. However, financing the transition to solar can be daunting, and many businesses are hesitant to make the switch due to concerns about upfront costs and complex financing… Read More »Financing solar for your company just became easy

reduce water pollution

Which Technologies Are Used To Reduce Water Pollution?

Water is essential to life and the quality of water has a direct impact on human health and the environment. Unfortunately, water pollution has become a major global issue, with pollutants such as chemicals, pathogens, and waste entering our water sources. The good news is that there are technologies available that can effectively reduce water pollution and make water safe… Read More »Which Technologies Are Used To Reduce Water Pollution?

professional sustainability certifications

Sustainability Professional Certifications

Are you looking for top sustainability certifications and don’t know which one is best suitable for your career? Sustainability nowadays is a new trend around the world for Business development. As a result, more companies are racing for sustainability for marketing purposes and are willing to trace their business activities that are affecting the environment. This movement toward sustainability in… Read More »Sustainability Professional Certifications