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change champions sustainable businesses

Change Champions: Sustainable Businesses & Innovators 2023

Welcome to our quarterly exploration of sustainable businesses, where we unravel the innovative strategies driving positive change in today’s corporate landscape. In this article, we will spotlight eco-friendly companies, ethical enterprises, and green business practices that caught our attention in 2023. In a world where environmental concerns are paramount, these environmentally conscious brands are leading the way with their sustainable… Read More »Change Champions: Sustainable Businesses & Innovators 2023

solar energy for business

10 types of companies that can use solar to reduce electricity consumption

Solar energy for business is an excellent opportunity for those who want to save on their electricity bills and bet on a sustainable solution with an excellent financial return. Companies from the most diverse segments are betting on their energy generation and reducing expenses with this fixed expense. If you are in doubt whether solar energy is for your business,… Read More »10 types of companies that can use solar to reduce electricity consumption

green recruiting agency

The benefits of working with green recruiting agencies when searching for sustainable jobs

In today’s world, еmploymеnt has transcеndеd its traditional dеfinition. It’s no longer just a mеans of еarning a living; it’s a rеflеction of pеrsonal valuеs and a contribution to a sustainablе future. As global еnvironmеntal concеrns takе cеntеr stagе, thе pursuit of sustainablе carееrs has gainеd rеmarkablе momеntum. And at thе forеfront of this transformativе shift arе green recruiting agencies.… Read More »The benefits of working with green recruiting agencies when searching for sustainable jobs

product carbon footprint

What is a Product Carbon Footprint – and why it probably isn’t enough for your net-zero strategy

In today’s world, businesses are increasingly recognizing the importance of reducing their carbon footprint and transitioning to a more sustainable future. As we all strive towards achieving net-zero emissions, understanding and managing our product carbon footprints becomes crucial. However, focusing solely on product carbon footprints may not be sufficient for a comprehensive net-zero strategy. What Is A Product Carbon Footprint?… Read More »What is a Product Carbon Footprint – and why it probably isn’t enough for your net-zero strategy