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Green business spotlight: Michel Moreno

Welcome to our interview series where we speak with purpose-driven business owners and ecopreneurs from around the globe. Every few weeks, we’ll dive into their journeys, learn about their wins and challenges, and the resources they couldn’t do without.

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Today’s guest is Michel Moreno from Jackfruit Mexico.

Please tell us a little bit about who you are, your background, and what you did before starting your own business.

My name is Michel Moreno, and I am an organic agriculture entrepreneur based in Quintana Roo, Mexico. Before starting my own business, I was a business student with a passion for innovation, technology, and ecology. During a trip to Asia, I discovered jackfruit and was fascinated by its potential. Upon returning to Mexico, I found and purchased an abandoned jackfruit plantation, which had been neglected since Hurricane Wilma in 2005. Today, it is the oldest and most productive jackfruit orchard in Mexico, covering over 6 hectares of fully mature trees

What inspired you to create a purpose-driven company and how did you come up with the business idea?

The inspiration behind creating a purpose-driven company stemmed from my fascination with sustainability and the potential of agroecology to transform communities. As a vegan, I’ve always been passionate about plant-based solutions and their impact on health and the environment. Before diving into agriculture, I worked on hunger projects, which gave me a profound understanding of food security issues and the importance of sustainable practices.

During a trip to Asia, I discovered jackfruit, a versatile fruit with incredible potential as a meat substitute. This discovery coincided with my background in business and my passion for innovation and technology. When I returned to Mexico, I stumbled upon an abandoned jackfruit plantation that had been left to nature after Hurricane Wilma in 2005. Seeing the potential for regeneration, I purchased the land.

The idea was simple yet powerful: revive the plantation using regenerative and syntropic agriculture principles and introduce jackfruit as a sustainable food source to the booming tourist market in the Mexican Caribbean. Our approach goes beyond just farming. By integrating agritourism, we educate visitors about sustainable practices and create a deeper connection between people and their food. This holistic model not only adds value to our product but also fosters a community-driven approach to environmental stewardship.

In your experience, what are the main challenges of starting and running a green business?

Starting and running a green business in Quintana Roo comes with its own set of challenges:

Natural Disasters: Hurricanes are a constant challenge. Our jackfruit plantation was abandoned after Hurricane Wilma in 2005. Learning to adapt and rebuild after such events is essential.

Local Context and Culture: Operating in Mayan territories means integrating traditional knowledge with modern sustainable practices. Building trust within the community and valuing their empirical wisdom is crucial.

Initial Costs and Cash Flow: Sustainable farming often requires significant upfront investments, from organic certifications to infrastructure and training. Managing cash flow is critical, especially in the early stages.

Human Resources: Attracting and retaining skilled workers passionate about sustainability is vital. It’s about more than jobs; it’s about creating a community and a sense of purpose.

Empirical Observation: Success in sustainable agriculture relies heavily on observing and understanding the land. Adapting to the nuances of our local ecosystem is crucial, beyond just following theoretical guidelines.

Despite these challenges, the journey is incredibly rewarding. The positive impact on the environment and the community makes it all worthwhile.

What is your business mission & purpose and why?

At Jackfruit Mexico, our mission is to lead in sustainable agriculture and offer high-quality, plant-based food alternatives.

Key Elements:

1. Environmental Restoration: Using regenerative farming to enhance soil health and biodiversity.

2. Health and Nutrition: Promoting jackfruit as a nutritious meat substitute for the growing plant-based market.

3. Market Demand: Catering to the tourist-driven restaurant market in the Mexican Caribbean with innovative products.

4. Community Integration: Collaborating with the local Mayan community for sustainable and inclusive growth.

5. Education and Awareness: Our agritourism facility educates visitors on sustainable practices and plant-based diets.

6. Innovation and Sustainability: Pioneering sustainable farming to ensure long-term viability and market leadership.

Our goal is to build a sustainable, profitable business that supports the environment, meets consumer needs, and fosters community growth.

How does your work address societal and/or environmental issues?

Our work at Jackfruit Mexico addresses both societal and environmental issues by implementing regenerative agriculture practices that restore soil health, increase biodiversity, and reduce carbon footprints. We collaborate with the local Mayan community, blending traditional knowledge with sustainable methods, thereby fostering trust and supporting local livelihoods. Our efforts create jobs, promote better nutrition through plant-based diets, and educate visitors on sustainable farming. By doing so, we contribute to environmental conservation and support the socioeconomic development of our region, demonstrating that eco-friendly practices can be both profitable and scalable.

What are the most common mistakes you see green businesses make?

One common mistake green businesses make is focusing solely on traditional business models that prioritize profit over holistic impact. They often fail to adopt systems thinking, which is crucial for addressing the interconnectedness of ecological, social, and economic factors. Innovative regenerative models are essential; these should not only be profitable but also benefit communities and the planet, creating a balanced approach to sustainability that fosters long-term resilience and positive change.

What makes your business unique?

What makes Jackfruit Mexico unique is our focus on the extraordinary jackfruit, which is packed with protein and seamlessly integrates into meat-like recipes. Our jackfruit is grown using regenerative and syntropic agriculture methods on the oldest and most productive jackfruit orchard in Mexico. It has quickly become a favorite among chefs and diners in the Mexican Caribbean, providing a sustainable, nutritious, and delicious alternative for restaurant menus. By combining community collaboration, environmental restoration, and innovative agritourism, we are setting a new standard in sustainable food production and local economic development.

Is there anything that you do outside of your business that is driven by similar (sustainability) objectives?

Absolutely. Outside of my business, I strive to live a life that is consistent with the same sustainability values. I treat myself with the same care and respect that I extend to our trees, believing in a holistic approach to well-being. This means prioritizing sustainable practices in my daily life, whether it’s through mindful consumption, reducing waste, or supporting local and eco-friendly initiatives. The values we uphold in Jackfruit Mexico—respect for nature, community, and long-term sustainability—are the same principles I apply to my personal life.

In which area of your business are you struggling the most to reduce your environmental impact?

One of the areas where we are struggling the most to reduce our environmental impact is in transportation and logistics. Given our remote location in Quintana Roo and the need to distribute our jackfruit products to various tourist areas and restaurants, minimizing our carbon footprint in this area is challenging. We are continuously exploring more sustainable transportation options and looking for ways to optimize our supply chain to reduce emissions, but it remains an ongoing effort.

What do you like the most about the work you do? 

What I love most about my work is the connection to food and nature. Cultivating jackfruit and seeing it transform into a delicious, sustainable food product is incredibly rewarding. I enjoy sharing this nutritious fruit with others, knowing it contributes to healthier diets and a healthier planet. The daily interaction with the land, the community, and the process of creating something beneficial for both people and the environment is what truly inspires me.

What’s your day-to-day like?

My day starts with waking up early and practicing yoga to set a positive tone. After a nutritious breakfast, I head to the ranch to oversee operations and ensure everything is running smoothly. My day involves managing various tasks, meeting with clients, and answering emails. Coordination with my teams is crucial, whether it’s discussing farming practices or planning marketing strategies. I wrap up my day early to get a good night’s rest, ready to do it all over again the next day.

How do you grow and scale your business, and what are the main growth constraints and opportunities?  

At the moment, scaling the business isn’t my top priority. Instead, I’m focused on building solid foundations to ensure long-term sustainability. Scaling farming without reverting to old monoculture practices is challenging and requires creative approaches. We’re exploring different market opportunities, and there’s potential in starting a restaurant to showcase our jackfruit-based dishes. The key is to grow thoughtfully and sustainably, ensuring that any expansion aligns with our core values of environmental stewardship and community engagement.

What green businesses/sectors do you see growing the fastest right now and/or will become mainstream within the next 10 years?

In my view, the fastest-growing green businesses and sectors right now, and likely to become mainstream within the next decade, include:

1. Plant-Based Foods: With increasing awareness about health and sustainability, plant-based foods are seeing rapid growth. Jackfruit, as a versatile meat substitute, is a prime example of this trend.

2. Regenerative Agriculture: As people become more conscious of the environmental impact of traditional farming, regenerative agriculture practices that restore soil health and biodiversity are gaining traction.

3. Sustainable Packaging: With the push to reduce plastic waste, businesses focusing on eco-friendly packaging solutions are poised for significant growth.

4. Renewable Energy: Solar, wind, and other renewable energy sources are expanding rapidly, driven by the need to combat climate change and reduce reliance on fossil fuels.

5. Eco-Tourism: There’s a growing demand for travel experiences that are sustainable and benefit local communities. Agritourism, like our own facility, is part of this broader movement.

These sectors are being driven by a shift in consumer values towards sustainability and environmental responsibility, and I believe they will continue to expand and innovate over the next decade.

In your opinion, what are the top skills necessary to be a successful eco-entrepreneur?

To be a successful eco-entrepreneur, several key skills and qualities are essential:

1. Discipline: Consistently putting in the hard work and maintaining sustainable practices requires strong self-discipline.

2. Vision: Having a clear vision of what you want to achieve and how it aligns with ecological and social goals is crucial.

3. Stubbornness: A bit of stubbornness helps in overcoming obstacles and staying committed to your principles, even when faced with challenges.

4. Adaptability: The ability to adapt to new information, market changes, and environmental factors is vital for long-term success.

5. Community Engagement: Building strong relationships and collaborating with local communities can enhance both sustainability and business success.

6. Innovative Thinking: Finding creative solutions to balance profitability with environmental and social impact is key.

7. Empathy: Understanding and valuing the perspectives of others, whether they are customers, employees, or community members, helps in building a supportive network.

8. Recognizing Privilege: Acknowledging and leveraging any inherent advantages or resources you may have can help drive positive change more effectively, and it’s important to use this privilege to uplift others and create more equitable opportunities.

These skills combine to create a resilient, forward-thinking approach that is necessary for thriving in the green business sector.

Any “lessons learned” or advice you can share with aspiring or current green business owners?

One of the key lessons I’ve learned is to stay humble and always be open to learning. Green business is a relatively new and evolving field, so empirical learning and adapting to new information are crucial. Sell a compelling vision that inspires others, and don’t be afraid to use reverse engineering to bring innovative ideas to life. Remember, things that don’t exist yet need to be imagined first. Embrace creativity, stay committed to your values, and continuously seek ways to integrate sustainability into every aspect of your business.

What inspires you every day to wake up and keep going?

What inspires me every day to wake up and keep going is my child. The desire to leave a better world for the next generation drives me to push forward. Knowing that my efforts contribute to a healthier planet and a sustainable future gives me purpose and motivation. Seeing the impact of our work on the environment and the community reinforces my commitment to this journey.

Michel Moreno, organic agriculture entrepreneur based in Quintana Roo, Mexico. Founder of Jackfruit Mexico, the country’s largest jackfruit plantation. Passionate about sustainability, regenerative agriculture, and plant-based diets. Driven by a vision to create a better world for his child and future generations.



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