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Green business spotlight: Darren Enns

Welcome to our interview series where we speak with purpose-driven business owners and ecopreneurs from around the globe. Every few weeks, we’ll dive into their journeys, learn about their wins and challenges, and the resources they couldn’t do without.

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Today’s guest is Darren Enns from Eco Builders Costa Rica.

Please tell us a little bit about who you are, your background, and what you did before starting your own business.

I have been in the construction industry for more than 30years, started as a carpenter, site superintendent and then a Construction manager and estimator working in the commercial and institutional sectors. Custom Built Green homes has been a hobby turned business more than 10 years ago.

What inspired you to create a purpose-driven company and how did you come up with the business idea?

In moving to Costa Rica, I became aware of a few things that I felt were missing in the custom home building sector. There was a need for LEED or BuiltGreen projects that are not only sustainable but work in conjunction with the many diverse eco systems in Costa Rica. There was a need for parametric pricing and project costing. Costa Rica is a developing country and infrastructure is not of the highest standard so there is a need to be self sustainable or grid free.

In your experience, what are the main challenges of starting and running a green business?

In my experience the greatest challenge is educating people to the sustainable materials and the that you can have sustainable luxury. People often feel that they have to make some sacrifices of comfort to live sustainably; which is not the case.

What is your business mission & purpose and why?

Our mission at EcoBuilders Costa Rica is to build comfortable sustainable grid free homes that are regenerative or Net Zero. As a company we participate in regenerating natural forests, cleaning and restoring the Ocean.

How does your work address societal and/or environmental issues?

We are trying to educate our clients and the community we work in; that we can build comfortable homes which will work with the natural environment.

What are the most common mistakes you see green businesses make?

The most common mistake that I see green businesses making is there is too much green washing and not enough actual restoration; being green means more that the 3 Rs Reduce, reuse, recycle. We need to restore and regenerate.

What makes your business unique?

Ecobuilders is unique in that we will only do projects that are committed to incorporating all aspects of building sustainable not just installing a solar system and calling this a green project when the complete structure has been built with convention construction methods, and a total disregard for LEED protocols.

Is there anything that you do outside of your business that is driven by similar (sustainability) objectives?

Sustainability in its self is a life style and you need to be aware of the choices that you make everyday and the impact those choices have. More importantly if we don’t focus more on regenerative projects sustainability will not be sustainable.

In which area of your business are you struggling the most to reduce your environmental impact?

Honestly, the construction industry is one of the worlds most destructive industries, our greatest struggle is getting people to adopt green technology and making it readily available. There are some amazing developments in green tech like algae electric systems and industrial hemp production that is still not easily accessible to consumers.

What do you like the most about the work you do? 

Educating people to the green tech and sustainable building methods that exist and helping them see their project come to life and for them to live a Net Zero life in a comfortable and safe home.

What’s your day-to-day like?

The greatest aspect of my day to day is that no day is ever the same. I may spend the morning corresponding with clients, reviewing project progress with tradespeople, and the afternoon working with Architects and engineers on new design projects, or researching innovations on green tech and how we can incorporate into our next project. Or just walking the dogs on the beach picking up plastic debris. No two days are the same.

How do you grow and scale your business, and what are the main growth constraints and opportunities?  

Eco Builders is a small company and in-order to provide the standard a quality of care we limit ourselves to between 4-6 projects per year. In terms of growth our greatest constraint is finding experienced trades people who understand our goals of sustainability and restoration and to work by doing as little harm as possible.

What green businesses/sectors do you see growing the fastest right now and/or will become mainstream within the next 10 years?

Every business needs to become green. I see alternative energy like solar and wind electrical generating being more widely adopted and I would like to see the use of Hemp fibre replace wood and oil.

In your opinion, what are the top skills necessary to be a successful eco-entrepreneur?

Education as to the available green tech and demonstrating these methods easy to adapt; it’s all about knowing and doing.

Any “lessons learned” or advice you can share with aspiring or current green business owners?

Adopt a green lifestyle, recycle reduce, reuse and regenerate, if your living in harmony with nature you will see how you can change the world around you there are possibilities in every sector to change the way we are doing things to make them more sustainable.

What inspires you every day to wake up and keep going?

I am very fortunate that I live in the jungle and am surrounded by its beautiful abundant environment; and this makes me what to create a better world for my children

Canadian born, studied at the University of Victoria, worked in the construction industry for more than 30 years worked my way up from Carpenter, to Construction Manager and estimator and independent contractor and custom home builder. – Darren Enns, Eco Builders Costa Rica.



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