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Exploring green career paths in IT

Ready to combine your tech skills with a passion for climate action?

Here are 8 IT career paths making a difference:

1. Renewable energy.

Example: develop software for solar and wind power.

2. Energy storage.

Example: create systems for battery management.

3. Smart grids.

Example: build platforms for optimizing energy grids.

4. Smart homes.

Example: design automation for energy-efficient buildings.

5. Data science.

Example: use AI for energy optimization and climate modeling.

6. IoT.

Example: innovate with smart sensors and EV infrastructure.

7. Cloud computing.

Example: enhance energy efficiency of the cloud services and build scalable climate platforms.

8. Blockchain.

Example: develop decentralized energy trading and sustainable supply chain solutions.

Bonus tip

Tech skills are versatile and valuable in a range of sustainability-focused sectors! Here’s how you can apply them outside of energy:

You can use software engineering to build platforms for eco-friendly fashion or wildlife conservation. Data science can help analyze data for NGOs focused on clean water or disaster relief. BI analysis offers insights for green finance firms or sustainable agriculture startups. UI/UX design can create user-friendly apps for recycling or eco-tourism. Cybersecurity is crucial for protecting data in climate research or endangered species protection.

From fashion and agriculture to finance and conservation, your tech expertise can drive meaningful change across various sustainability sectors.


Check out “How to Find a Job in a Tech Company Helping to Combat Climate Change: A Practical Guide” by Roman Leventov—it’s a treasure trove of valuable tips!

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