Environmental impact calculators

A list of online green environmental impact calculators for businesses and individuals.

Carbon footprint calculators

Carbon footprint calculator from Conservation International

Type: carbon and eco footprint

Target audience: individuals

Carbon footprint calculator from carbonfootprint.com

Type: carbon and eco footprint

Target audience: small businesses, individuals

Carbon footprint calculator from Zellar

Type: carbon and eco footprint

Target audience: small and medium businesses

Carbon footprint calculator from Brightest

Type: carbon and eco footprint

Target audience: businesses, companies, and organizations

Carbon footprint calculator from Pawprint

Type: carbon and eco footprint

Target audience: businesses, employees, individuals

Carbon footprint calculator from Pawprint

Type: carbon and eco footprint

Target audience: businesses, employees, individuals

Ecological footprint calculator from Global Footprint Network

Type: carbon and eco footprint

Target audience: individuals

Plastic and waste footprint calculators

Paper calculator from Environmental Paper Network

Type: calculating the environmental impacts of paper, comparing the impacts of different papers and varying amounts of recycled content

Target audience: businesses, entrepreneurs

Green calculator from We Grow Forest

Type: calculating the environmental impact and carbon footprint of Business Cards

Target audience: businesses, individuals, entrepreneurs

Environmental footprint calculator from the Department of Environmental Protection

Type: estimating the impact you when you recycle

Target audience: businesses, individuals, entrepreneurs

Plastic footprint calculator

Type: estimating your plastic consumption 

Target audience: individuals

Plastic waste calculator from Bower Collective

Type: estimating household plastic waste 

Target audience: individuals

Plastic pollution calculator from Earth Day

Type: calculating plastic consumption and waste reduction

Target audience: individuals

Plastic calculator from Carbon Footprint

Type: calculating your plastic footprint

Target audience: individuals

Plastic footprint calculator from Gravity Wave

Type: calculating your annual plastic footprint

Target audience: individuals

Plastic footprint calculator from Gravity Wave

Type: calculating your annual plastic footprint

Target audience: individuals

Tech and digital footprint calculators

Website carbon calculator from Wholegrain Digital

Type: estimating your web page carbon footprint

Target audience: businesses, individuals, entrepreneurs

E-cars driving costs calculator from the Department of Energy

Type: comparing the cost of fueling a vehicle with electricity with a similar vehicle that runs on gasoline.

Target audience: businesses, individuals, entrepreneurs

E-waste calculator from Weee4future

Type: e-waste footprint calculator

Target audience: individuals, entrepreneurs

E-waste calculator from CreditDonkey

Type: calculating how many kilograms of CO2 you’d save by recycling items instead of throwing them away.

Target audience: businesses, individuals, entrepreneurs

Appliance energy calculator

Type: estimating annual energy use and cost to operate specific products

Target audience: businesses, individuals, entrepreneurs

E-waste calculator from Ecosible

Type: e-waste carbon footprint calculator

Target audience: businesses, individuals, entrepreneurs

Lighting Savings Calculator from Georgia Power

Type: saving money and CO2 emissions by using different lighting types

Target audience: businesses, individuals, entrepreneurs

Water footprint calculators

Water footprint calculator from GRACE Communications Foundation

Type: household water footprint calculator that includes tap water use and the “virtual water” used to produce
your food, electricity, gas, and home goods.

Target audience: individuals

Water Drip Calculator

Type: calculating how much water a leaking faucet wastes

Target audience: individuals

Food waste calculators

Food waste calculator from SavingFood

Type: a self-assessment tool for businesses like supermakets, restaurants, bakeries etc

Target audience: businesses

Food waste calculator from it’sFresh

Type: calculating the true cost of the fruit & veg you waste, your impact on the environment and how much money you could save

Target audience: individuals

Sustainable supply chains

Sustainability tool by Climate Action Group

Type: carbon management in the supply chain

Target audience: suppliers

The myriad of carbon environmental impact and environmental footprint calculators on this list is meant to educate you on the many different types of measuring your personal, household, and business footprint and impact on the environment. It’s important to choose metrics and estimation tools that fit your vision and mission and helps to drive positive change and progress. Each environmental footprint calculation tool on this list has been vetted for legitimacy and activity.

Further reading: Our Free Green Resources library