Saqib Ali

Saqib Ali holds a BS in Environmental Science from Bahria University, Islamabad. He is an Environmentalist, Naturalist, and freelance content writer passionate about Environmental management systems, Sustainable development, Climate change, Natural resource management, Eco-tourism, Green building, Wildlife and conservation, and Disaster risk management. Being an Environmentalist and Naturalist, he has a goal to build a sustainable and green future for all the inhabitants around the world and is and eager to learn about new green innovations to make a sustainable and healthy environment for all.

Green business certification: empowering businesses for sustainable development

In today’s competitive world, green business innovation is attracting the attention of companies to compete more in the market by…

2 years ago

10 green business models: innovative ways to go green

Did you know that? According to the 2022 edition of the National Footprint and Biocapacity Accounts the mother Earth now…

2 years ago